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Memberships can be renewed or obtained on days with clubhouse hours.  See the calendar for the exact times of membership classes.  Please be sure to bring with you, your valid ID along with the membership fee of $125.  We do require 3 work hours a year per membership.  These hours can be purchased for $15.00 per hour.  We offer a military discount of $25.00 so be sure to mention your branch when you sign up.  You can email us at or visit us on Facebook for details about  upcoming events, activities and much more....


Clubhouse Hours:

Saturday 9am - 12:00 pm

Wednesday 10am - 12:00 pm


On the first Saturday of each month, we hold a free breakfast.  Come join the crew and enjoy some fellowship with fellow gun owners.  The membership meetings are the first Monday of every month unless that date falls on a holiday.  All members are welcome at the membership meetings.

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